Bringing More Life To These Writerly Life Lessons

[Obviously, this is what I look like when I work from home.]

The other day, I tweeted about how I’d been making preparations to sell my condo. Specifically, I said: “Our condo has never looked better. But do u think buyers will be scared away by the ‘intimate portraits’ in the bedroom?” And then I linked to this old post from my now-defunct personal blog, containing pictures of said “intimate portraits.” The post itself was about new things I had experienced lately thanks to various writing assignments.

Reading back through that post made me realize that my blogging had been missing something crucial for quite some time now: the personal. Is that why I’d been feeling so stuck lately? (Well. Aside from the whole being-too-busy-to-blog thing.)

When I first started Freelancedom, I intended for it to be more than just a how-to blog. Rather, I wanted it to be about the freelance lifestyle in general, and my freelance lifestyle in particular. I wanted readers to know about how I obsessive-compulsively created spreadsheets and to-do lists in order to track my freelance queries. I wanted readers to know about the ANTM marathons I succumbed to at the beginning, before the work really started to pick up. I wanted readers to know about the perpetual tightness I have in one knee due to sitting cross-legged with my laptop in bed, for hours on end.

Of course, I want to be of value to you as well, which is why almost all of my posts are so service-y. But you tell me. Does my life have a place on a blog about the freelance life?


  1. Definitely! I think blog readers are looking for personality as much as they are looking for tips. And your sassy, slightly OCD personality is what sets you apart from every other freelance blogger on the planet. Own it, Steph!

  2. Personal is waaay more interesting anyway. We’ve all read tons of how-to freelance articles by now 🙂

  3. I agree with the other comments! I recently discovered your blog, and with each entry, I think “Now this is one chick worth reading about!” I’m always more interested in a personal story than dry how-to info–I think most people are.

  4. Of course your freelance life has a place on a blog about the freelance life…after all, it is your. freelance. life. And that is the best place to draw information and conclusions from. Besides, you are an expert at your freelance life. 😉

  5. You ARE freelance and if anyone has a place talking about their personal life and work life together, it’s you. Servicey is good, as in helpful, but you gotta keep the personal tidbits in there too! It gives you more credibility and makes it a more interesting read.

    The fact that you just opened up to us asking how you can be of value to your readers… that is personal.

  6. Thanks for all the input, you guys! Feel free to comment-slap me if I get too maudlin or journal-y. 🙂


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