Come See Me Maybe Barf And Pass Out In Public!

Why have I embraced writing so fully? Perhaps because I’m just better in writing. And because I have major social anxiety. And I’m an introvert with reclusive tendencies. And I have a history of passing out in front of large groups of people.

Seriously. During one book presentation in high school, I literally saw my world go gray. And during a choir rehearsal, I full-on passed out. I had been standing on the second level of a set of risers and, when my head hit the floor (just narrowly missing the corner of the piano), my choir director actually thought the risers were collapsing!

So when my senior editor at YourTango asked if I would be interested in reading at their lit crawl event this year, I was equal parts excited and balls-out horrified.

On the one hand, why would I subject myself to such a thing???

On the other hand, it could be a great way to promote visibility, push against my comfort levels, and get more comfortable with public speaking, a practice many coaches use as a means to boost their client base.

So if you’re into experiencing the spectacle of someone perhaps barfing all over themselves and passing out in public, please come on out this weekend! The YourTango-hosted reading is taking place on Saturday, September 11, from 7 p.m. to 7:45 p.m., at Botanica Bar. I’d love to see some friendly faces in the crowd (if I haven’t blacked out by then).

If you can’t make it, you can check out the piece I’ll be reading online: How Drinking Saved Our Marriage.


  1. Break a leg, Steph!!!

  2. on the saaame boat, Steph! Both nervous and excited. I think I will need a drink beforehand. haha

    see you tomorrow!

  3. Thanks Susan! And I look forward to seeing you again, Lavanya. 🙂 The more friendly faces suffering alongside me, the better!

  4. Good luck! I hope it’s easier than you think 🙂


  1. […] for People Who Hate Networking), social interactions don’t only drain me of energy. They also terrify me. Which means I have to ease myself in […]

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