Does This Video Make My Head Look Fat?

So as you know, I’ve been trying to devote more time to my coaching practice lately, doing things like planning out several e-course curricula, starting a monthly newsletter, and forcing my husband to make my website look pretty. I also have a pretty extensive marketing plan to get through, so that people… um… know that I exist, and know exactly what type of awesome I can bring into their lives. In the spirit of promoting myself and explaining what it is, exactly, that I do, I jumped at the chance to be interviewed by J. Maureen Henderson of Generation Meh.

If you’re dying to see me in a video interview, head over here to see our chat about coaching, consulting, sex writing, and the many levels of TMI.

Aside from the amount of times I say “um,” it’s not too horrific. In fact, I dare say that I actually sound… articulate. ::confetti::

Related: Receive Some Guaranteed Awesome In Your Inbox, Career Stalled? What You’re Doing Wrong