The Guru I Don’t Want To Be

Crazy new age woman in a yellow robe concentratingA little over three years ago (holy crap), I launched Career Coaching for Word Nerds, a career coaching service for beginning freelance writers.

I did it because, for several years, I had been receiving emails from writers pleading for advice, and I realized there was a real need for the help I could provide. Besides, the bottom had fallen out of the economy, I needed to diversify, and I knew that — with my knowledge and experience — this was something I could really kick ass at.

So I went through a career coaching certification program to make myself legit, and then I opened for business.

In the years since, however, it’s gotten so that you can’t cross the street without bumping into a coach or a ninja or a guru or a Guide To Ultimate (Career) Enlightenment. Entrepreneurship blogs have proliferated… which on the one hand is a good thing. It means that people are opening their minds to alternate career paths.

But so much of the content I see these days is regurgitated crap I’ve read a trillion times before, from a trillion different people.

In yoga, I keep hearing the sentiment that the teacher shall remain as a student, always open to learning something new. It’s a concept I’ve always believed in.

But suddenly, I wasn’t learning anything new anymore.

And I worried that you, my dear readers, weren’t learning anything new either. [Read more…]

PSA: A Facebook Fan Page and Guest Posts Galore

It’s been a bit quiet here at Freelancedom, aside from the occasional service piece, and a handful of biz-related announcements. Why? I’ve been preparing for my 5 Weeks to Freelance Awesome e-course: pitching guest posts, drawing up the lesson plans, building up the platform. I’m on the home stretch with an e-book I’ve been working on with Ian Kerner since last year. I’ve been looking at houses and trying to make babies. And dude. I have been all over this here Internet.

If you’ve been dying for a fix of Steph Auteri awesomeness (and of course you have), here are a few new places where you can get it.

[Read more…]

PSA: 5 Weeks To Freelance Awesome Still Awesome

Last week, I ran a contest here at Freelancedom, in which I asked you guys to share your number one freelance roadblock in order to be entered for the chance to win a free spot in my upcoming e-course: 5 Weeks To Freelance Awesome. The variety of responses I received made me even more excited for the course, and not because I sadistically enjoy watching others struggle. Rather, it quickly became obvious to me how much we could all learn and benefit from each other’s experiences, and I couldn’t wait to help each and every one of you.

I chose a contest winner at random over the weekend (congrats Susan!), but I wanted to remind you that, through August 17, you still have the chance to enroll at a deeply discounted price. After that, it’s back to regular price. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions you have about the schedule, platform, pricing, etc.

I hope to see many of you in my virtual classroom this fall. We have so much to talk about!

Related: It Only Takes 5 Weeks To Achieve Freelance Awesome

It Only Takes 5 Weeks To Achieve Freelance Awesome

Earlier this week, I sent out the very first edition of Word Nerd News (note: I’ve finally added a sign-up form to the Freelancedom sidebar —–>). It was a lot of fun to put together, and I was way excited to send it out, but what was even more exciting was what was inside.

Because — aside from the career advice, the great resources, and the must-click links (seriously, you should sign up) — I had a pretty exciting announcement to make.

This is for those of you who read Freelancedom regularly, but are hungry for more. It’s for those of you who feel you should be pitching more, but don’t know where to start. It’s also for those of you who agonize over your query letters to the point where you’re afraid to send them out. Befuddled by writing contracts? Click through. Want to make your content more palatable for the web? Yeah. You should totally click through. Finally, this is for those of you who don’t feel ready to commit to a coaching relationship, or who don’t need heavy, in-depth coaching, but would benefit from some solid, freelance writing advice. Really. I got your back here.

[Read more…]

Does This Video Make My Head Look Fat?

So as you know, I’ve been trying to devote more time to my coaching practice lately, doing things like planning out several e-course curricula, starting a monthly newsletter, and forcing my husband to make my website look pretty. I also have a pretty extensive marketing plan to get through, so that people… um… know that I exist, and know exactly what type of awesome I can bring into their lives. In the spirit of promoting myself and explaining what it is, exactly, that I do, I jumped at the chance to be interviewed by J. Maureen Henderson of Generation Meh.

If you’re dying to see me in a video interview, head over here to see our chat about coaching, consulting, sex writing, and the many levels of TMI.

Aside from the amount of times I say “um,” it’s not too horrific. In fact, I dare say that I actually sound… articulate. ::confetti::

Related: Receive Some Guaranteed Awesome In Your Inbox, Career Stalled? What You’re Doing Wrong

Help Me Make Career Coaching for Word Nerds Awesome(r)!

Hey there guys. I’ve finally carved out some time to build up my coaching practice. Before giving things a big marketing push, though, I’d like to evaluate everything I’m offering, and make sure it’s everything I could and should be offering.

So I drew up a market research survey, and I’d really appreciate it if you could fill it out for me. It would be a huge help.

And feel free to pass it along to anyone you think might be interested, or in need of my services.

Thanks. You’re a peach. 🙂

When To Stop Giving It Away

[Image via]

Considering that I maintain a how-to blog with no membership fees, donation links, or advertising, you must assume that I love giving it all away. And to some extent, you would be correct. I love how this blog has helped me build up a professional platform. I love how it’s allowed me to connect with fellow freelancers. And, bottom line? I love helping people out.

But lately, two factors have led me to question where I should draw the line when in comes to “free”:

1. The launching of my coaching practice, the eventual success of which relies upon the assumption that people will actually pay me money for my expertise and professional guidance.

2. Repeated questions from newbies that lead me to believe that they haven’t even tried doing their homework. Forget thorough research. A quick search of my blog would have yielded them the desired results! Am I hurting wannabe freelancers by giving them the easy answers?

So how do I know when to provide free advice, when to direct people to my blog, and when to simply say, “Here’s my coaching fee!”?

[Read more…]