Ready for Your Elevator Pitch?


Today marks for first day of ProBlogger’s 31 Days to Build a Better Blog, which I joined in on because, well, frankly, I’ve been losing focus with Freelancedom lately.

I mean, my posts have been coming more sporadically and, when I do post, I worry that my content is too writer-centric (are there any non-writers reading this blog?).

Which is why I was thrilled that the first task of the month was to develop an elevator pitch for your blog.

Darren has some great advice on how to develop your own pitch, in addition to different scenarios in which you can find use for it.

While I’m most intrigued by how an elevator pitch can help you hone in on the focus of your blog, or your professional identity, I’d advise all of you to start using one in order to market yourself to others, at networking events…during cold calls…etc.

The top two things to consider are your audience/intended client and the problem you hope to solve with the service you provide.

Here’s the comment I left regarding Freelancedom, after reading Darren’s tips:

My tagline for Freelancedom is “from bunny slippers to business plans,” while the description on my About page reads:

“Freelancedom was launched as a means of sharing the whos, whats, wheres, whys, and hows of freelance success, and the accompanying freelance lifestyle. It was also created with an eye toward building a community of freelancers who could share stories, experiences, tips, and resources with their fellow at-home entrepreneurs.”

I can’t imagine saying either of these in a face-to-face conversation. Perhaps a melding of the two?

Freelancedom is a how-to blog for freelancers looking for success…in both their work and their stay-at-home lifestyles.

It could probably use some more work…but it’s a start!

What do you guys think? Am I accomplishing the things above, or does Freelancedom appear as something entirely different for you?

I’d also like to hear your elevator pitches. Have you always had one, or do you flounder (as I do: Um…I’m a writer?…freelancer?…blogger?…sex writer?) when someone asks you what you do for a living?


  1. I love the “bunny slippers to business plans” tagline. It really captures the fun, yet authoritative flavor of Freelancedom. I think there are a lot of great taglines that are too cute for normal conversation. And that’s fine. The linguistic wit is what makes them memorable, but it’s hard to work phrases like that into conversation unless you’re naturally quick witted.

    On another note, I have several niches, so I have multiple elevator pitches depending on the occasion. This helps me be more targeted, but it’s also confusing, because sometimes I’m unsure of which one to use.

  2. I think you have captured Freelancedom perfectly with your new elevator pitch. It answers both questions perfectly. Identifies your main niche clients and also lets them know what you want to help them with.

    I don’t know if my site really has any elevator pitch material. It is mostly a blog about nonsensencial ramblings from my mind and life…but that might just change here in the next few weeks.

    All in all I think yours sounds great!

  3. Steph, You have a good elevator speech. I think you just need to work on your content and have some specific categories you write about. You can highlight them in your sidebars.

    Having tags might also help.

    Looking forward to reading more.

  4. Hello there Terry – Welcome to the blog! Always exciting to have a new reader pop up in the comments.

    I thank you for your suggestions. I actually do have subject categories, which can be found in both the sidebar (in a drop-down menu) and at the bottom of each post. Perhaps they’re not prominent enough? I also tag each post but, looking through my site, I can’t see where they’re listed. Perhaps they’re not visible within this template? Will need to look into that!

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