PSA: Freelancedom Forums

Worrying about being all talk and no action, I decided to finally get off my butt this weekend and set up forums for Freelancedom.

I had initially intended to integrate forum software with WordPress, but was having trouble on that end. I mean, I’m not the most web-savvy individual out there. So I finally admitted defeat and set up a forum hosted through Activeboard.

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Coffee Break: Building Community

In My So-Called Freelance Life, Michelle Goodman wrote that a good way of controlling your overwork tendencies is to “have somewhere to be ‘after work.'” It was this suggestion that made me think about starting up a regular happy hour for freelancers in my nabe.

Being a bit clueless about who actually lives near me, however (and by “near me,” I mean NJ rather than NY), I began to consider another means of connecting with my fellow freelancers: community bulletin boards.

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