Archives for October 2009

Are You Scared, Too?

me and magazines

I’ve always had a thing for glossy magazines.

It started with Highlights and, since then, I’ve subscribed to maybe 30 or 40 different titles (seven of which I’m still subscribed to now). And while they’ve never held the same allure for me as those thick paperbacks I’m constantly losing myself in, they provided me with something even better: a vision of my future as a writer.

I was going to write up a different post today. One on the benefits of online education. But then I was blindsided by the news that Conde Nast is folding Gourmet, Cookie, Modern Bride, and Elegant Bride, and I felt a sharp pang of sadness, followed by a little shiver of fear.

Have you guys felt it, too?

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Link Love: October 2

It’s been quite the week. I’ve welcomed a news crew into my home. Gotten started on my career coaching certification program. Upped my posting frequency. Drawn up some lofty goals. And all while coming down with something I fear is the flu. Here’s hoping I can keep up with everything I have planned for myself. At least if I crack under, you’ll have these writers to turn to:

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