Archives for September 2008

My 5 Favorite Things In: The Money Therapi$t

money therapist.

I feel as if I’ve been writing a lot lately on the importance of money matters. To that end, I’d like to tell you all about The Money Therapi$t by Marcia Brixey, another how-to from the always-awesome Seal Press. Not necessarily geared toward freelancers in particular, it does take you step-by-step down the path of financial soundness, an always-necessary foundation for a healthy business. Check it:

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RoundUp: 7 Invoicing Apps That Will Get You Paid

Since I went into business for myself over a year ago, and have had to start handling my own income in a more hands-on way, I’ve been using FreshBooks, an online invoicing application that allows me to track the time I’ve spent on various projects, and then easily generate invoices and track the subsequent payments.

I love it. It’s a godsend. And a necessity for small business owners and the self-employed. After all, when you make the choice to become a full-time freelancer so that you can love what you’re doing, you need to make sure that you’re treating your work as a business, not a hobby. And that means handling all the nitty-gritty, business-y, financial aspects as well.

To start you on your way, I’ve done a roundup of 7 online invoicing applications for you to choose from, and because I believe that invoicing software is useless without time-tracking capabilities, all of the apps after the jump allow you to track the time spent on each project or task.

Most of these apps offer much of the same features. In addition to time tracking and invoice generation, you will be able to keep track of which payments have been received, and which payments you’re still waiting on (naughty, naughty client). Some applications even send e-mail alerts when a payment is overdue, and one of them actually allows you to subscribe to your invoices via RSS. All of them will make the business of running your own business infinitely easier.

Without further ado…

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Product Placement: Be a Superhero on the Information Superhighway

batman's utility belt.

Batman had his utility belt. But all you need is this:

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What To Do When Clients Are Late

empty wallet.

It’s inevitable. In the publishing world alone, both print and web publications are notorious for being late with freelancers’ paychecks. How can you deal with the vagaries of freelance income without allowing the stress to make your head implode?

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Coffee Break: I Need A Vacation

coffee break

It’s been a rough day, you guys (not to mention a rough week). I’m allergic to our new kitten, who was sick last week and ended up passing her virus along to one of the other cats. So I’ve spent a good portion of today moving furniture and tackling Mercutio and wrestling with him so as to get two different meds down his throat. This while partially comatose due to the Benadryl I’ve been taking (with some Xanax thrown in for good measure at the especially trying times). Plus I managed to squeeze in a doctor’s appointment (for me), a post office run, and seven new posts over at MM. Now I’m making my way through a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Karamel Sutra because, really, I need me some comfort food.

I think I need a vacation.

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4 Ways to Create the Illusion of a Regular Income

bird eggs.

It being Thursday and all, I would normally post a book review.

Last night, however, I found out that my main source of income may be folding, so I figured this was the perfect time to touch upon the ways in which you can keep the unexpected vagaries and pitfalls of freelancing from plunging you into financial ruin. The main thing to remember? Don’t put all your eggs in one basket:

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Networking Events: Conquer Your Fears By Thinking Like a Journalist

Last week, I posted about an upcoming meetup I was attending, for NY bloggers. Well, the day has come and, though I’m waffling about going due to some dread virus I seem to be coming down with (though I suspect I’m just allergic to the new kitten, I thought I’d address an issue that often comes up at networking events: social anxiety.

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Product Placement: Fuel Your Freelance Career

mister coffee

Is it awful of me to suggest that a good cup of coffee is a necessity when it comes to surviving the work day? I mean, I don’t want you to end up like my friend Dana, who likes to argue that his 5+ cups of coffee per day count toward his daily water intake.

Still, nothing picks me up like that one cup of bavarian chocolate coffee I have every day in the late morning. Pick up a coffee pot on the cheap ($29.99) and, when you feel yourself slowing down, indulge in a cuppa.

How To Give Yourself a Sweet Benefits Package

Happy Labor Day everyone! I hope you’re all indulging in bbqs and taking final trips down the shore and generally NOT WORKING. Because you deserve this holiday! Me? In addition to my at-home work, I travel into NY three days a week for five-hour shifts proofing at a newspaper, and today is no different. When my boss offered to give me today off, I told him I would be fine with coming in. Why?

  1. I’m an idiot.
  2. When you’re a freelancer, there’s no such thing as a paid vacation day.

Many of us leave our full-time jobs and become our own bosses in order to give ourselves the flexibility to sleep in, take more time off, and not work overtime. Yet when we go into business for ourselves, we often end up working longer hours than ever before, because there’s no one around to tell us: “Go home!” After the jump, the 5 benefits you shouldn’t forget to provide for yourself:

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