Archives for April 2009

401(K) for Freelancers


Saving money can be difficult even at the best of times. When your paychecks pop up irregularly, and at odd times, it can be downright frustrating.

Lately, I’ve been struggling to pay down my credit card debt and cover all my bills. I’ve been unable to contribute to the mortgage since October, and I’m desperate to save up money for both a house and my career coaching certification. With so many things to save for, retirement can seem miles away.

Lord knows, though, I don’t want to be living paycheck to paycheck like this into my 90s. Which is why Freelancers Union’s announcement of a freelancers retirement plan is so intriguing.

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Link Love: April 10

Hey there guys! We’ve made it through another week (thank God). I have to admit, there were days where I didn’t feel much like working (like yesterday, when I scanned realtor’s listings online and then obsessively watched HGTV). But I’ve been somewhat inspired by the 31DBBB project going on over at ProBlogger, so that’s what’s kept me going.

Oh! Also, in case you didn’t notice, I’ve added a cute little Twitter badge to the top of my sidebar, courtesy of this fine blogger. I love how colorful it is!

Anyways, down to business. Read:

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Coffee Break: Working on the Weekend

We haven’t had a nice, long coffee break in awhile here.

I wanted to tell you about last weekend.

My husband left on Thursday night to hang with some old college friends for a few days. He wasn’t slated to come back until Sunday. I decided to use this time as a vacation for myself, and it ended up being the first time in awhile that I didn’t spend my weekend working.

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Home-Schooled: 20 Books To Build Your Freelance Life Upon

pile of books

I’ve already written in the past about the importance of being prepared. A huge part of that for me has been the greedy consumption of books: how-tos, self-helps, career guides, etc.

I’ve read so many that I think it’s about time for a roundup. After the jump, the 20 books that helped me build my freelance life…and that could very well help you too!

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Ready for Your Elevator Pitch?


Today marks for first day of ProBlogger’s 31 Days to Build a Better Blog, which I joined in on because, well, frankly, I’ve been losing focus with Freelancedom lately.

I mean, my posts have been coming more sporadically and, when I do post, I worry that my content is too writer-centric (are there any non-writers reading this blog?).

Which is why I was thrilled that the first task of the month was to develop an elevator pitch for your blog.

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Link Love: April 3

This week has been weird.

On Sunday, I had two other bloggers over from the Modern Materialist for the purpose of test driving vodka. I’d been avoiding vodka since college, so I was hit particularly hard.

On Monday, I awoke with a hangover that lasted for the entirety of the day. I slept in until 12 and got almost nothing done, aside from two blog posts and the completion of a first draft on an article. This threw me off for the rest of the week.

Throughout the week, I also: went out on two “school nights” in a row (salsa class and a jazz show); spent a lot of time transcribing interviews from my bed; and kissed my husband goodbye for the weekend (he left last night, totally tricking me into believing that the weekend had come early).

The result? I have been doing some major slacking. But I haven’t stopped reading, so here’s your weekly link love: