Link Love: September 25

What a week. I made headway on my book proposal and started my career coaching certification program. And this weekend, I’m visiting the last huge chunk of wineries in NJ for my regional magazine piece. I feel pooped, but it’s a good kind of pooped. What helped and inspired me along the way? Check it:

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Last Week’s Link Love: August 24

Oh you guys. I am sooo pooped. I got home at 1 a.m. last night after an 11.5-hour drive during which I was crammed into the middle back seat of a car between my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law.

I am cranky.

Anyways, last week’s installment of Link Love is going up late, because I was en route to Michigan this past Friday. Here you go:

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Passive/Aggressive: Finding Work as a Freelancer


Despite all my preparations, when I finally went full-time freelance, I was clueless when it came to finding new projects. As I had always done before, I scoured the job ads, dutifully sent out cover letters and resumes, found a part-time freelance gig that gave me the feeling of stability and, otherwise, waited for the work to come to me.

And for at least a year, it worked. I eventually ended up with two regular, moneymaking gigs, and additional projects continued to come my way via friends and former colleagues. Within only six months, I had matched my previous corporate salary.

Then the publication I was copy editing for folded and, about six months later, the web magazine I was writing for decided to switch things up, leaving me with a lot less income. And it occurred to me: I had been coasting!

I know I’m not the only one. Other office workers looking to go freelance are often surprised to find out that job-finding tactics are wildly different when you’re in business for yourself.

After the jump, some passive and aggressive ways to find work, and why it’s essential that you cultivate a mixture of both:

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When the World Is at Your Fingertips, Sometimes All You Want To Do Is Stay Home


I was totally planning on attending a networking event tonight. I had already RSVPd. I’d put it into my Google Calendar. I’d e-mailed the info to a few friends. Then I began losing momentum…

I was afraid to go alone. I didn’t feel like taking a bus into the city, especially during rush hour. My energy levels were low, anyway, and there was work I could get done if only I stayed at home.

I put on a dress in order to motivate myself. After all, who wants to waste a pretty dress by not leaving the house?

I took the dress off.

Then I noticed that I was having a good hair day. Could I possibly waste a good hair day by not leaving the house?

Yes. Yes I could.

If only I could find a networking group closer to home.

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Build Your Own: Writing Group


I’ve been missing my old writing group.

We met several years ago, in Cris Beam’s From Pitch to Publish Class at New School. For at least a year, the four of us workshopped each others’ pieces, shared contacts, suggested paying markets, and basically gave each other the kicks in the ass we needed.

Eventually, life got busy. One of us moved to Brooklyn. One of us moved abroad. One of us had a baby. And I kept getting promoted at work, a development that forced me to travel more often on business.

I’d love to start a new group. But how? And who?

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PSA: See My Guest Post Over at TwiTip

Hey there guys. Check me out over at Darren Rowse’s TwiTip. My guest post — 8 Twitter Networking Tips: From Online to In-the-Flesh — is up. This is relevant to you guys too!

And to everyone visiting from TwiTip, welcome! ::waves:: I hope you find my Freelancedom posts at least somewhat helpful. 🙂

Why It Helps To Review the Basics


Check out this book my husband bought me for Christmas!

(I decided not interpret it is as a commentary on the fact that he’s supporting me, as it was on my Amazon Wish List.)

Allison Hemming — founder of the Hired Guns — wrote Work It! as an antidote to the times…times in which an increasing amount of people are losing their jobs, or are at least worrying about the possibility.

While the majority of the content in her book is aimed at those in the full-time, corporate work force, I found that the lessons therein — especially as they pertained to resumes, networking, and correspondence — were applicable to anyone looking to make money.

And the number one lesson I learned from reading Work It!? It’s never too late to review the basics.

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Networking With Purpose

After a brief literary detour, I’ve finally returned to my favorite genre — career/self-help — with Megan Hustad’s How To Be Useful.

The book is thus far sporadically useful in itself, but I did find two especially interesting tips worth mentioning in its chapter on networking and “the Master Mind.”

After the jump, make the most of networking events, connecting with the people who can help you eventually take over the world! (or some such thing)

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Networking Events: Conquer Your Fears By Thinking Like a Journalist

Last week, I posted about an upcoming meetup I was attending, for NY bloggers. Well, the day has come and, though I’m waffling about going due to some dread virus I seem to be coming down with (though I suspect I’m just allergic to the new kitten, I thought I’d address an issue that often comes up at networking events: social anxiety.

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How To Market Yourself: Getting Out More

resume t-shirt.

The other day, we discussed using online social networking for our own selfish, self-marketing needs.

Now comes the hard part.

Though I myself can be a bit…um…socially challenged when it comes to facing a group of complete strangers (liquor helps), I’ve found that meeting someone face-to-face can do wonders for making you stick out in one’s mind.

So I’d like to suggest leaving your computers behind, at least for an evening, and checking out some of the following settings:

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